Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lost photos?

So, um, I think I may have lost all my photos.

No, I didn't have them backed up. Why? Because
I'm an idiot and I obviously don't learn from my

Brave Domo's last day is going to be delayed. I'm
taking the puter in tomorrow and who knows how
long it will be gone.


If you have any extra good luck wishes, send them
my way please,
Claire (Domos foster mom)


vivacious said...

Oh no!!

I am so sorry you may have lost all your photos. That happened to me once (my wedding reception photos), and now I am uber-paranoid. I burn them onto CD, upload them online, print them, back them up onto an external hard drive.

*Crossing fingers* I hope it ends up as something minor and all your photos and documents are just fine.

Anonymous said...

ooh bummer! puter probs are the worst. good luck with the fixers!

Jessica said...

Not fun! Good luck!

Anitra Cameron said...

Eeeeek!! I hope you get them back!

Susan Kelley said...

Darn, and I checked at a crazy time today just in case. Good luck, I hope you have a digital miracle and they reappear.

Jan Holt said...

Good luck Claire!!!

Where's Domo? said...

Thanks to all for the support! And if you sent me good luck wishes, they worked! :D