Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day 5

No photo today. Sick child needs to stay home.

Sick child has fabulous idea though! You can earn
FIVE big points simply by choosing a Domo photo
from the past, going to that location, and taking
a photograph there of anything that belongs to you
(such as a stuffed animal, an action figure, a glove, a
noodle bowl, a dog biscuit, a digital clock, your
favorite board game, etc.) Post the photo on your
blog and comment here. Everyone who does this
gets 5 points!

Limit one entry per person.
Deadline is Monday September 8th at midnight.


mnvnjnsn said...

Field trip! Jeero was so excited!


Anonymous said...

TRex on the town...
I hope the little one feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

Lemonieu enjoyed getting out of the office for a change! Hooray!

Where's Domo? said...

These are so fabulous! Thank you all! It put a big smile on my face and I really needed that today.

Lavimom said...

Lulu is lonely....

Lavimom said...

Lavimom is Leigh from an earlier post...sorry for confusion.

Susan Kelley said...

Here's my bike and my glove (since you mentioned glove).

Jessica said...

Because Brave Domo needs one of his brothers to keep him company!! :)

Jessica said...

Um, are you guys okay?? We haven't heard from you in several days and that's never happened. Hope you and Sick Child are doing all right!! Brave Domo still loves his foster fam and hopes everything's still dandy! :)