Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 2

Here is an easy one.... I think!

To get this party started, you don't have to be the first person
to guess today's location correctly. Everyone who guesses correctly
today gets one point!


mnvnjnsn said...

That's Rejuvenation on SE Grand, yes? That's where we buy all our doorknobs!

Anonymous said...

Rejuvenation...awesome store.

Jessica said...

Yay for getting the party started!! Rejuvenation!

Anonymous said...

Rejuvenation. Yay!

Anonymous said...

Rejuvenation hardware!(and I would have gotten it right even without 4 people ahead of me).

vivacious said...

Rejuventation! I also would have gotten it right without the people before me. :)

Jan Holt said...

rejuvenation and I wouldn't have gotten it right... ;0

besaroboy said...

Rejuvination on 1100 SE Grand Ave, I used to work very bear to that.

Where's Domo? said...

Indeed... it is the wonderful Rejuvenation!